Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Land of the Teller of Tales, Welcome to Chef Willy's Den...

Chef Willy wants to build a following beyond that of "Wild Thing" and "Boo", outside the confines of his kitchen from the southern shores of that lake they call Ackerson..  Expanding from culinary delights created to enhance the senses of taste and smell, to that which triggers ones mind to ponder, cooking up food for thought whose basis is that of which he reveres.  Chef Willy always looking for ways to expand his touch, his influence, has taken a page, from a literary sense, to a desire of feeding the mind from recipes of the written word.  New Age to the Classics, Fiction to Non-Fiction, authors of note and acclaim, to those new scribes who are still fighting obscurity, their style and legend still maturating as their talent comes to the forefront.   

This blog will be Chef Willy's vehicle to bring short stories and books of this electronic age to you, along with, those technological marvels that brings both reading and home libraries to a size slightly smaller than a notepad, whose ability to transform reading, with back lighting, text sizing, and audio capability to enable comfort to all whose eye sight might be waning with time or those whose birth right is that of the computerized age.

Chef Willy's Den, a porthole to the Electronic Literary World, will prepare pathways for you to follow, balancing reviews of new works, access to classics and best seller lists, to all the gadgetry that marvels the reading public this day and takes all readers, of whatever level or age, to heights never dreamt when "The Chef" was a younger man..

So as this blog unfolds and posts are placed through time, we will travel this path through the literary land, exploring the ageless glory of the written word, from parchment to the Kindle, the stories live on..

Thank you for visiting my Den, please come back and peruse, enjoy, and let the written word take hold of your imagination and traverse your mind to places only poets and tellers of tale have traveled.

Please leave comments on the posts and the blogs, sign up for "The Chef's" RSS feed and be updated when each new "Something" is added.  I want to touch as many as I can and show the wonderment of the written land of tales, so please share this blog on your Social Media.

Till next time my friends, time to get back to the kitchen and get my culinary on...  Smiles are always on hand from Chef Willy on the southern shores of the lake they call Ackerson...  So if smiles are in need, you know where they can be found...  Peace Y'all

Bill "Chef Willy" Ong

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